Android studio apk analyzer
Android studio apk analyzer

android studio apk analyzer

Take a look at some of those terms to establish the base for what you’ll learn. Throughout this chapter, you’ll learn terms that may be confusing or unknown to you. If you want a happy userbase and want your app to perform well, you’ll want to optimize it. Loading times from screens and actions in the app.App size if they are looking to free space on their device.When users judge apps and choose which to uninstall, they look for several things. Think about what qualities make you like or dislike an app. You probably own a smartphone, and with it, you use several apps. In today’s world, we often talk about optimized things as better or enhanced, but why is it important for your app? The answer to this question may come from the word optimization itself. In this chapter, you’ll learn and implement techniques to optimize your app in several ways that will make your app smaller, give it better performance, and overall, provide a better experience for your users. The last chapter was the first step in making a more robust app. If you’ve gotten this far, I assume you care for your users.

android studio apk analyzer

In the first section of this book, you learned how to release an app with the basics. But it would surprise you how many companies release apps with the default settings because of the time contraints most teams are under.

  • You can implement optimizations on your code and app to make it run better and occupy less space in your users’ smartphones.Īt this point, you may be thinking the obvious best option is the second one.
  • You can launch it exactly as it was when you, or one of the developers in your team, typed the last line of code.
  • You have two options when releasing an app to your users:
  • 9.2 Implementing build types in your app.
  • android studio apk analyzer

    9.1 Switching build types in Android Studio.7.11 Going one step further in optimization.7.10 Size reductions to make directly in your code.7.5 Other improvements you can do with the analysis.7.3 Best practices for reducing your app size.Optimizing App Size & Obfusticating the APK 6.3 Securing the Organized Simple Note app.5.6 Simplifying multiple permission requests with Android Jetpack.5.4 Updating Podplay to search by location.Section II: Security & Optimization Section 2: 6 chapters 2.6 Creating your Google Play Store listing.1.3 In an ideal world, what would “the perfect build” look like?.1.1 What to expect from the release process.Section I: App Store Quick Start Section 1: 4 chapters

    Android studio apk analyzer